Your soul is you, literally who you are, the culmination of much information and what you have chosen to do with it. Whether you believe you've lived many lives or this is it, what you feel, deep down inside is what it's all about.
American Heritage dictionary says soul is:
A part of humans regarded as immaterial, immortal, separable from the body at death, capable of moral judgment, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.
I love the part about separable from the body at death, that really makes me think this is NOT all there is, don't understand why anyone would choose to believe this is it, too depressing.
The question becomes, what do we need to do to keep our soul as fulfilled as possible? In this day of having soooo many distractions, it is something we really need to prioritize. What can we do to fill our souls? Let's dive in!!
Full disclosure: I am not a preacher or anyone who officially has a role in helping would, just someone who studies these topics and have implemented the information in my life with much success. I feel I have learned a few things and want to help others, sometimes it's my common sense, sometimes it's my sixth sense! These are my opinions, but I invite you to consider what you learn here and do your own research, speak with a professional if you'd like and see if you don't think these suggestions will help!