Your mind is your driver for your vessel in this life, not caring for it will lead to the breakdown of the body and soul, it's all interconnected and cannot be ignored. How do we care for our mind? Reducing stress, staying focused on what's important and discarding what is not. How do we know the difference? We get more of this as we age, the stuff that used to bother us in our 20's is laughable in our 50's. There's not a ton to love about getting older, but in this area, old timers rock!Unfortunately, it does come with age, the longer you're here the easier it is to decipher what is a topic of concern and what is nonsense. It's a little thing we call wisdom. If you don't die of doing something stupid in your youth, we assume you will achieve some experiences that make you a wiser person.It is the hope of the author of this website to help those who are not yet as wise as their elders will stop and consider some of the life lessons of others who have lived to tell the story.
Full disclosure: I am not a doctor, psycologist or play one on tv, just someone who studies these topics and have implemented the information in my life with much success. I feel I have learned a few things and want to help others! These are my opinions, I invite you to consider what you learn here and do your own research, speak with a professional if you'd like and see if you don't think these suggestions will help!