Castor Oil
I recently discovered castor oil, it has so many health benefits, I am officially obsessed!!! It's an anti-fungal AND anti-bacterial. Make sure you get a good organic version packaged in dark glass (don't get it in a plastic bottle) for best results. Store in a cool dark place to keep it fresher longer.
Made from oil from the seeds of ricinus communis plant there are a multitude of ways it can help you live a NATURALLY healthier life!
Here are some links to articles/blogs/videos for you to start your own research:
Evidence of health benefits of Castor Oil:
1. Helps achy joints, a natural version of NSAIDs (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) which can have side effects like liver damage (make a pack, see second link above) and adhere it to the area in pain
2. Reduces stretch marks
3. Helps immune function
4. Laxative
5. Inducing labor (when taken orally, when recommended by a professional, don't just take it on your own.)
6. Reducing acne
7. Digestive & Immune support
8. Relief of burns and sunburn
9. Lymphatic support
10. Reduces menstral cramps
11. Toenail fungal removal
12. Treats ringworm
13. Great oil for oil pulling, need only 1-2 teaspoons, swishing for only 1-2 minutes as opposed to other thinner oils where you need 1-2 tablespoons and swish for 20 minutes!!! Check out the 3rd link above at the 35 minute mark for more info on oil pulling
Ways I have used Castor Oil:
1. Skin cleanser & moisturizer - I slather it pretty thickly on my face, neck and chest area, if it's too thick for you, it can be mixed with coconut oil. I also put it on scabs to soften and moisturize them so they don't scar. Before you slather it on, try it on a test area to make sure you're not allergic. It has helped me with wrinkles (LOVE THAT!)
2. Hair growth - I've used it to thicken my eyebrows and eyelashes
3. Digestive assistance - I put a drop in my belly button twice a day and have found it helpful for softer and more consistent poops. (Yes, I know TMI, but when you're no longer 25, this sort of thing becomes WAY more important!!)
4. Wound healing - I've used it on wounds to help heal and moisturize, it helps scabs to not be dry, which for me makes me scratch, often opening up the wound again.
5. Insomnia - I rub it on my outer eyelids and it does help me sleep
Full disclosure: I am not a nutritionist or doctor, don't just go slathering or gulping lots of castor oil, some folks are allergic (try a little on your skin to see if you have a reaction), this is based on my research and these are my opinions, please do your own research and contact a nutritionist or medical professional (especially if you're on some sort of medication, want to check for possible interactions) for more information.